Bitcoin mining has become a critical aspect of the cryptocurrency ecosystem. It provides the computational power necessary to validate transactions and secure the network. However, the mining industry has faced challenges related to centralization, custodianship, and transparency. To address these issues, Mummolin, Inc. has recently completed a $6.2 million seed funding round led by Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter and CEO of Block, Inc. This investment will support the launch of OCEAN, a decentralized Bitcoin mining pool. In this article, we will explore how OCEAN aims to revolutionize Bitcoin mining and solve the key challenges faced by the industry.
Decentralizing Bitcoin Mining
One of the primary goals of OCEAN is to combat the increasing centralization of mining pools, which poses a risk to the decentralized nature of Bitcoin. Jack Dorsey expressed his concern, stating, “OCEAN is solving a problem for Bitcoiners that I think all of us feel–further centralization of mining pools that could plague Bitcoin, and how that risks a bunch of Bitcoin attributes that we hold dear.” By decentralizing mining, OCEAN aims to preserve the principles of Bitcoin and ensure the long-term sustainability of the network.
Transparent and Non-Custodial Platform
OCEAN distinguishes itself as the first transparent and non-custodial platform for Bitcoin mining. Traditional mining pools often withhold payments from individual miners, creating a risk of unfair distribution. In contrast, OCEAN’s innovative approach ensures that miners receive block rewards directly from the coinbase transaction. Mark Artymko, co-founder and President of Mummolin, highlighted the significance of this feature: “OCEAN’s non-custodial payouts directly to miners from the block reward remove this risk and the pool’s undue influence over miners.”
Empowering Miners
Luke Dashjr, a long-time Bitcoin Core developer and co-founder of Mummolin, emphasized the importance of empowering miners. He stated, “The role of mining pools must change for Bitcoin to exist as a truly decentralized currency.” OCEAN aims to enable miners to regain control by introducing a way for them to independently perform block template construction while still benefiting from being part of a pool. This approach ensures that miners have a direct say in the mining process and reduces the influence of a few individuals over the network.
Key Challenges in the Mining Industry
To better understand the motivations behind OCEAN, it is crucial to examine the key challenges faced by the mining industry today. OCEAN aims to address three main areas of concern: centralization of block template construction, custodianship, and transparency.
Centralization of Block Template Construction
While the global distribution of hashrate may give the impression of decentralization, the reality is that the intelligent parts of mining, such as running a full node and constructing the block template, are controlled by a few individuals and the pools they operate. OCEAN’s Global Head of Sales, Bitcoin Mechanic, highlighted this issue, stating, “This is a disproportionate level of influence by too few over too many and has the potential to hurt Bitcoin.” OCEAN aims to tackle this centralization by allowing miners to independently perform block template construction while still benefiting from being part of a pool, thereby leveling the playing field.
Most traditional mining pools use a payout scheme called Full Pay Per Share (FPPS), where the pool pays miners from its internal treasuries based on their work. However, this setup introduces counterparty risk, as the pool becomes the custodian of funds and sits between the miners and Bitcoin. Jason Hughes, VP Development & Engineering at OCEAN, explained the risk involved, stating, “This introduces significant counterparty risk to miners similar to keeping Bitcoin on an exchange.” OCEAN’s non-custodial approach ensures that miners are paid directly from the Bitcoin network in the coinbase transaction, eliminating the need for trust in a central authority.
Many existing mining pools lack transparency, as miners often have limited visibility into the underlying transactions they commit their hashrate to. This opacity creates a scenario with zero checks and balances, allowing pools to operate without being held accountable until after blocks are mined. In contrast, OCEAN takes a transparency-first approach by publicly disclosing all transactions included in their block templates to miners before mining. This self-auditing exposure creates a natural incentive for OCEAN to always act in good faith and gives miners greater knowledge of block construction, enabling them to make informed decisions about where to direct their hashrate.
The Future of OCEAN and Bitcoin Mining
OCEAN envisions a future where Bitcoin mining becomes more decentralized, transparent, and secure. The successful seed funding round led by Jack Dorsey is just the beginning of OCEAN’s journey to revolutionize the mining industry. The team plans to roll out additional phases of Bitcoin decentralization improvements and upgrades in 2024. By addressing the key challenges faced by the industry, OCEAN aims to ensure the long-term sustainability and growth of Bitcoin.
For more information about OCEAN and its mission to revolutionize Bitcoin mining, visit their website at
The $6.2 million seed funding round led by Jack Dorsey for OCEAN marks an important milestone in the quest to revolutionize Bitcoin mining. OCEAN aims to combat the centralization, custodianship, and transparency issues prevalent in the mining industry. By providing a transparent and non-custodial platform, OCEAN empowers miners and ensures fair distribution of block rewards. Furthermore, OCEAN’s focus on decentralization and transparency paves the way for a more secure and sustainable Bitcoin network. With the support of prominent investors and industry leaders, OCEAN is poised to make a significant impact on the future of Bitcoin mining.